Strategizing Your Exit: Steps to Safely Leave an Abusive Marriage

Twenty individuals are subjected to physical maltreatment by their intimate companions every minute. That is over ten million individuals in the course of a single year.

The worst portion yet? Even more prevalent than physical abuse, psychological and emotional abuse are not included in that statistic. Are you a victim of marital abuse?

You stated no; are you certain? Although discerning psychological and emotional abuse may present greater challenges compared to physical abuse, our assistance can clarify the distinctions and direct you to appropriate resources.

Symptoms of Abuse

Those involved in toxic relationships may find it difficult to identify the precise forms of maltreatment. A good starting point is to search for broad and general indications of maltreatment.

This can include verbal indications such as threats and put-downs, in addition to possessive and envious characteristics. Physical and/or sexual violence is undoubtedly an indicator that a relationship is abusive.

In a time when more individuals than ever before are investigating their sexuality, it can be challenging to determine whether your companion is abusing you or simply exploring a fantasy. Observe their conduct during sexual activity and throughout the day for these noxious qualities.

An additional indication of abuse is that attention is directed at you, the victim. One may betray an abusive spouse if they frequently place the responsibility on themselves or if they frequently find themselves excusing their behavior.

In more severe instances, the affected individual may manifest Stockholm syndrome, a psychological coping mechanism that is generally acknowledged. Individuals who are afflicted with Stockholm syndrome are prone to disregarding this notion. Consult a medical professional or ask a friend for assistance in recognizing the symptoms.

Abuse Psychologically

Due to its highly manipulative nature, psychological abuse, also referred to as emotional abuse, is the most challenging to identify. Over time, the victim will internalize this abuse and come to believe it is true and that it is their responsibility if it goes unchecked. Mental abuse poses a significant risk to the lives of 50 to 80 percent of adults due to its enigmatic nature and difficulty in detection.

The primary objectives of psychological abuse are to inculcate fear, embarrassment, and humiliation in the victim so that the abuser can regain power and control. Constant awareness of one’s location is a reliable indicator of emotional abuse, as the perpetrators desire control. This includes determining who you associate with, monitoring your movements from your phone, compelling you to be at home at specific times, and so forth.

Gaslighting is another tactic employed by psychological perpetrators. This type of manipulation causes one to question the veracity of an incident or another element. You will begin to doubt your own sanity, pondering whether your abuser is correct and whether you simply have a faulty memory.

However, psychological abuse is not restricted to these characteristics and techniques. Emotional neglect is another frequent tactic employed by manipulators of the mind.

They will essentially begin to disregard you by ceasing all communication, possibly vanishing without a trace, or by inciting others to oppose you. To maintain control, they may even attempt to emotionally isolate you from others.

They may attempt to do so through means such as character assassination, which would alienate your peers; interfering with your family life; and much more. Although the abuser may perceive their actions as counterproductive, particularly if they are isolating you, if you have no one but them to turn to, that is precisely what they intend.

Forceful Abuse

The subject matter that is frequently examined and depicted in television and film is physical abuse. Similar to psychological abuse, the abuser’s primary objective is to exert dominance and authority over the victim. An emotional abuser employs covert and difficult-to-detect tactics, whereas a physical abuser employs overt and menacing methods.

You tend to place the responsibility on yourself and portray your abuser as the “good guy” when discussing the victim’s emotions in a psychologically abusive relationship.

In the case of physical abuse, you will continue to question whether or not you are responsible for their actions, but you will also develop a fear of your partner. You might refrain from discussing specific topics with your partner out of fear of angering them; you might believe that you are deserving of mistreatment; or you might experience emotional numbness in extreme circumstances.

Although physical abusers employ the same strategies as emotional abusers, such as demeaning others, and share similar characteristics like possessiveness and jealousy, they distinguish themselves by resorting to physical force when their emotional abuse fails. Physical abusers often exhibit irate dispositions, threaten severe harm, exploit their victims for sexual gratification, and may even contemplate suicide if their victims abandon them.

Physical abuse is characterized by the following recurring patternss: abuse, remorse, justifications, “normal” behavior, fantasy, and the setup. If you suspect that you are a victim of physical abuse or that you are involved in an abusive marriage or relationship, consider the progression of past incidents and where you currently stand in relation to this cycle.

Neglect of Men

Although less prevalent than female victims of male offenders, men can also fall victim to abuse. Indeed, 29% of straight males have experienced physical violence at the hands of their partners. Concerning emotional maltreatment, approximately 48% of men have experienced such treatment.

The prevailing patriarchal society has engendered a toxic masculinity that discourages the majority of men from engaging in conversations pertaining to their personal mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence. They are not only uncomfortable discussing these matters with others, but they also refuse to acknowledge that they are experiencing them.

The ability to recognize indicators of abuse is equivalent for males as it is for females. It may be challenging, but the time has come to put an end to the fact that 830,000 males fall victim to domestic violence annually.

What ought I to do?

In the event that one genuinely suspects themselves of being involved in an abusive partnership, the time has come to devise a strategy. Will you be departing? Are you both divorcing and distancing from them?

Your escape is dependent on your strategy. Living with one’s abuser can present challenges and difficulties. You should endeavor to negotiate a lease termination or, at the very least, get in touch with your landlord or leasing office to apprise them of your predicament.

You ought to have a place to go immediately, regardless of your intentions. Providing this information to your family or peers is an excellent choice. It’s entirely acceptable and reasonable if you’re not prepared to disclose the situation to your family at this time; instead, you should speak with a close acquaintance.

If you are not departing immediately, begin recording everything that occurs. This could be useful in the event that you choose to file complaints against your abuser. Additionally, they will reassure you that you are not delusional, and you can even refer to them if you find yourself in another abusive relationship or wish to discuss them with a therapist.

Additionally, if your departure is not imminent, ensure that you have an emergency bag readily available. If you are in an urgent situation where you need to depart immediately, you do not want to remain in the luggage area while your abuser becomes agitated. In the event that your assailant is recognized for tarnishing your possessions, you may contemplate bringing valuable items; nevertheless, you should give precedence to essential items.

To prevent a potentially harmful outburst, conceal your emergency bag in a location where your abuser cannot find it. Concealed within your emergency kit should be a substantial sum of money sufficient to sustain you during your sojourn with family or friends.

Asking for Assistance

Reach out for assistance if you remain uncertain as to whether you are in a relationship or marriage that is abusive. A brief phone call to the National Domestic Violence Hotline could be of great assistance in confirming your status as a victim.

If you are hesitant to contact your abuser out of concern for your safety, you may want to consider seeing a therapist, if you have access to one. If this is not possible, conduct a search for local assistance centers and arrange a visit while your abuser is unaware.

As we have previously stated, if none of these options work, reach out to family and acquaintances. They possess an equal understanding of you as you do of yourself and are eager to provide assistance in any way they can.

Should charges be pressed?

This is a query that may appear simple and straightforward to an outsider, but it is considerably more difficult for a victim to answer. If your plans fall through and you find yourself back with the abuser, their knowledge that you filed charges or intended to do so could escalate the situation. Alternatively, you may genuinely hold the belief that they are a morally upright individual and have no desire for them to be incarcerated.

You have the option to contact the police or submit a criminal complaint, irrespective of the cause. Lacking such action, it is probable that no consequences will ensue. Although one may terminate a marriage or relationship without taking legal action, doing so does not guarantee that the abuser will not return.

Opting to pursue charges may restrict your ability to exert significant influence over the defendant’s court case and potential incarceration. Ultimately, the responsibility for making the decision rests with you.

Concerning Divorce?

Although this inquiry presents some of the same advantages and disadvantages as charging, it can be somewhat more complex. Your abuser may entreat you to remain in an abusive marriage on the condition that you alter your mind if you choose to leave.

How do you know that this is not an additional trick? Will a transition occur?

It is a critical decision to consider; however, in the event that you reject their claims and proceed with your divorce, you will be required to assume custody of any children if you have any. The majority of states prioritize the child’s best interests; therefore, proof of abuse can go a long way. As we previously discussed, maintaining a journal or remaining with injuries or scarring could both serve as indications of potential abuse.

If you are still undecided, it would be prudent to acquire further knowledge and contemplate locating a reasonably priced attorney.

The Path Toward Recovery

The process of recovering from an abusive relationship is time-consuming and difficult. Prolonged physical and emotional maltreatment may contribute to the development of PTSD and trust deficits. It is crucial for your recovery that you restore trust in others and take your time to recover.

Because it is common to hold oneself responsible for one’s perpetrators’ actions, an individual who has exited a relationship may harbor resentment towards oneself for failing to identify the abuse sooner. You must begin the process of rebuilding your self-love and trust by forgiving yourself. Your part in the abuse was completely unnecessary, and you must begin to accept that.

Additionally, it is beneficial to conduct a local search for support groups. Many are probably available at the community resource centers we previously mentioned. Engaging in confidential conversations with fellow survivors of domestic abuse can provide tremendous support, not only for oneself but for others as well.

Transitioning Beyond an Abusive Marriage

It will take time to recover from an abusive marriage or relationship, but you will ultimately reach a point in your life where you can move on. Maintaining ownership of the insights and understandings acquired is crucial, but your abuser has no right to further exert control over you. They have to be left behind.